Sonny Beach


Yorkie Puppy



Rebecca Stoltzfus

Address Williamsburg, Indiana
Phone 765-969-2661

To contact the breeder about this puppy, click on the “View Breeder Info” tab above.

Gender: Male Male puppy badge

Sire: Mr. Pete

Dam: Crystal

DOB: December 1st, 2023

Age: 25 Weeks

Available: Available Now

This puppy is RegisteredRegistered
This puppy is Veterinarian CheckedVet Checked
This puppy is VaccinatedVaccinated
This puppy is DewormedDewormed
This puppy is Family RaisedFamily Raised
This puppy has been SocializedSocialized
This puppy was Raised Around KidsKid-Friendly
This puppy comes with a Health GuaranteeHealth Guarantee