4 Benefits of Dog Friendships

corgi dog friends

Everyone needs a friend, even dogs! Just like humans, dogs enjoy and need that bond with other dogs. This bond is important for their socialization and physical health. Here are a few benefits of dog friendships:

1. Dog Friends Offer Mental and Physical Stimulation

Dogs need lots of mental and physical stimulation. Of course, you provide a lot of this stimulation, but it can be beneficial for your dog to get some from other dogs.

Socialization and Bonding

When a dog plays with other dogs they are comfortable with, they enjoy running, jumping, and chasing. Interacting and playing with other dogs like this also allows dogs to communicate in their language while also learning and practicing social cues.

This type of play is important, but needs to happen without a dog feeling like they are threatened or intimidated. Setting up safe puppy play sessions can be a great way for dogs to let out energy and make friends.

Regular Exercise & Mental Stimulation

Regular exercise is very beneficial for your dog’s health. It can help them build strong muscles, maintain a healthy weight, boost their immune system, and offer plenty of mental stimulation. This mental stimulation is necessary to help decrease any feelings of aggression and reduce depression and boredom.

You and your dog may have plenty of fun and mental stimulation during playtime at home, but playtime with other dogs gives them a certain kind of exercise that humans just can’t offer. This kind of playtime allows them to play as part of a pack. Not only can this give them some quality canine time, but it also gives them an outlet for that physical and mental energy that is sure to tire them out!

Consider Doggy Daycare

If you’re not sure how to go about finding friends for your dogs, look into doggy daycares in your area. One of the biggest benefits of doggy daycare is that it offers a structured environment for dogs to be together, play, and exercise with a staff of professional caretakers. Chances are your dog will befriend at least one or two other dogs and if their owners are up for it, you may be able to schedule play dates outside of doggy daycare.

Be Aware of Body Language

Of course, if your dog shows any signs of anxiety, fear, or aggression, they should not be engaging in play with other dogs. Keep a close eye on your dog’s body language at all times and be ready to take control of your dog if something feels off. Your dog may need a little more training and socialization before more playtime with a dog friend.

2. They Can Reduce Loneliness

Dogs can experience loneliness and a big sign your dog is lonely is destructive behavior around the home. While a dog needs to learn how to be alone at times, too much time alone can lead to boredom, stress, and anxiety. Dogs are pack animals and they need to experience time in social groups. Providing this opportunity can reduce isolation, leading to a much happier dog.

3. A Dog Friend Boosts Their Confidence

If your dog forges a friendship with another dog, it reinforces positive feelings of being around other dogs. This is important because it builds confidence, which can help prevent your dog from feeling stressed and anxious in unfamiliar situations.

Puppy Training Classes

Puppy training classes can be a great resource to help with this and can help your puppy find other puppy friends. A big benefit of puppy training classes is that they help young dogs build their confidence around other dogs and people, but this is something that should continue beyond puppy training classes.

Puppy Play Dates

A great way to encourage this confidence is with play dates. This playtime lets dogs work on gaining confidence, which helps prepare them to have healthy interactions with other dogs. Playdates can also help your dog strengthen their social skills, leading to a more confident dog.

Scheduled positive playdates are not just a good way to socialize your puppy, but it also helps your dog learn that leaving the house can mean playtime! This positive feeling can help your dog approach other typical stressful situations like vet visits in a much more positive way. This can make getting out the door a lot easier for both of you!

4. Dog Friendships Can Impact Your Relationship With Your Dog

When your dog is happy, tired out, and fully mentally stimulated, they’ll be much less likely to exhibit problematic behaviors. The saying that a tired dog is a happy dog might be a cliche, but it’s often true. A good playdate is guaranteed to wear your dog out, and they’ll be much more content to rest or engage in light play.

Having a dog that has had plenty of socialization with other dogs is also more likely to approach social situations with confidence. It’s much easier to handle a confident dog in public even though you should still keep a close eye on their body language.

It may not eliminate all feelings of anxiousness, but slowly building that confidence is still very beneficial to you as their owner. Having a confident dog can also build your confidence as an owner, further building a bond with your dog.

Letting your dog play with other dogs can also give you a bit of a break, at least physically. You do need to watch your dog but you won’t be the one running and jumping all over a yard or dog park.

These are just a few benefits of dog friendships. Every dog should be able to socialize with other dogs if they feel comfortable. This is a great way for your dog to feel happy and content, further strengthening your bond with your dog!