8 Facts About English Springer Spaniels

The English Springer Spaniel is an intelligent, friendly, and energetic dog breed that makes a great family companion. Here are a few more facts about English Springer Spaniels:
1. The English Springer Spaniel Was Bred to be a Hunting Dog
Centuries ago, the English Springer Spaniel was used as a bird dog. In this capacity as a hunting companion, they were responsible for flushing out birds in high grass and then pointing to let the hunter know where their prey had landed or retrieving the bird to bring it back to the hunter. Since their original purpose was to “spring” game, it contributed to their name.
For this job, the English Springer Spaniel was bred specifically to have a light, but tough and muscular stature. This, plus their endurance, would allow them to spend long days out in the field assisting their owners while they hunted. When the hunting rifle was perfected after the 17th century, the English Springer Spaniel moved from working as a bird dog to working more commonly as a gundog.
2. They Are a Separate and Specific Spaniel Breed
For centuries, all spaniel breeds were considered relatively the same. As time progressed, specific spaniel breeds started to emerge, but separate and specific spaniel breeds are still relatively new. Before the 1900s, the English Springer Spaniel, Welsh Springer Spaniel, and even Cocker Spaniels were all considered to be the same breed.
In 1902, the Kennel Club of England recognized the English Springer Spaniel and Welsh Springer Spaniel as two distinct and separate dog breeds. And, in doing so, also separated and distinguished them from Cocker Spaniels. The American Kennel Club recognized the English Springer Spaniel in 1910 and consider them a member of the Sporting Group.
3. English Springer Spaniels Are Great Family Dogs
Although they can have a high prey drive and may not be the best fit for homes with birds as pets, the English Springer Spaniel tends to be a great family dog. They crave company and attention as a sociable and friendly dog breed and strive to be an involved member of the family unit.
Plus, they are eager to please and thrive on attention from their favorite humans. Their friendly nature, playful and energetic personality, and gentle demeanor make them a fantastic companion for children. They also tend to get along well with other dogs and even other pets as long as they have been socialized with them.
4. They Can be a Good Fit for First-Time Dog Owners
As long as you can give them the exercise they need as a high-energy dog breed, the English Springer Spaniel can be a good fit for first-time dog owners. They are highly intelligent, eager to please, and are usually easy to train. Despite their high energy, they are still considered one of the best dog breeds for first-time owners.
They can get bored easily. But, as long as you keep training consistent, interesting, and focused on positive rewards, they tend to respond well and pick up on things quickly. If they are given enough activity and exercise, and expectations are clearly communicated throughout training, they tend to be obedient dogs who excel at whatever you put in front of them.
Puppy training classes can be a good idea, even if you don’t feel like you need them. Not only will they help keep training consistent, and add something new and interesting, but you’ll also get some opportunities to socialize a puppy. Plus, your English Springer Spaniel will love the opportunity to be sociable and make new friends while spending more time with you.
5. Springers Tend to Excel at Various Dog Sports
Once your dog masters basic commands, dog sports can be a great way to incorporate fun and interesting training while also letting your English Springer Spaniel get some exercise. These dogs tend to excel in obedience, rally, tracking, agility, and more.
You can also keep things simple and teach your dog how to play frisbee or games of catch. Just make sure puppies are finished growing and cleared for higher-impact activities before jumping in to avoid damaging developing bones and joints.
6. They Are Popular in the Show Ring
Although these dogs are exceptional athletes, they are also one of the most popular show dog breeds. In addition to sporting competitions, they also are a favorite in conformation shows. Their light frames, feathered coats, and unique colorings give them a striking, elegant appearance.
Plus, they are versatile dogs that can excel in a variety of show events. They’re also winners. English Springer Spaniels have the third most Best in Show winners at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Shows.
7. There Are Two Subtypes of English Springer Spaniels
Although they are not recognized as two different types of breeds, there are two different types, or sub-types, of English Springer Spaniels. These are bench and field. The AKC does not separate these within the Springer breed standard, but there are some minor differences between them.
In general, the bench Springer is built for the show ring while the field Springer is built for hunting. Since they are meant to be out and about and working, the field Springer tends to have a docked tail as well as a lighter coat. Bench Springers tend to have fuller coats. Usually, their coats are thicker and longer and feature more feathering for more of a showy appearance.
8. English Springer Spaniels Have Lived in the White House
There have been several popular presidential pups throughout history, including English Springer Spaniels. Both Bush’s had Springers while they were in the White House. George H.W. Bush had Millie, an English Springer Spaniel who was quite beloved and popular. A “dogobiography” written from her perspective was published. It is called Millie’s Book.
She was also the inspiration for Houston’s first official dog park. Houston residents were so enamored with Millie that they petitioned for years to open a dog park in her name. There was already a George Bush Park and they wanted to establish a dog park in her honor within the existing park. Eventually, they were successful and the Millie Bush Bark Park opened in 2004.
When George W. Bush was elected and moved into the White House, three dogs moved in too; two Scottish Terriers and an English Springer Spaniel. Although Barney the Scottie was the most well-known of the three, the English Springer Spaniel was named Spot and was Millie’s daughter.
Is an English Springer Spaniel Puppy Right For You?
These are just a few facts about English Springer Spaniels. English Springer Spaniels can be a great fit for active single owners or families who can give them the daily attention and exercise they crave as involved members of the family.
If you think this could be the right dog breed for you, learn more about them, and then check out the available English Springer Spaniel puppies. Who knows? You could end up finding the perfect addition to your family and your new best friend!