Category: Famous Dogs

6 Famous Dog Paintings

6 Famous Dog Paintings

It makes sense that artists throughout history have immortalized dogs in their art, too. Here are some of the most famous dog paintings:

What Kind of Dog is Odie?

What Kind of Dog is Odie?

Garfield’s interactions with Odie make the comics funny and interesting. Who is Odie and what kind of dog is Odie? Here’s what you need to know:

3 Famous YouTube Dogs

3 Famous YouTube Dogs

One of YouTube’s biggest draws is, of course, its vast wealth of cute animal videos. These three famous YouTube dogs have followers all across social media.

Where Are They Now? Simon “Greg” Dooley

Where Are They Now? Simon “Greg” Dooley

Though we are always happy to send pups to their forever home we are thrilled when we are told how they are doing.  We want to make sure the new family is comfortable and happy.  From the message below to his graduation picture, it looks like Simon “Greg” Dooley is…